Preventive Measures for Cold and Flu
Both cold and flu can lead to significant illness and negatively hamper your social life. It can also cost you a lot of money in the form of medical bills and demand some time off work. On average, an adult catches a cold at least 2-4 times a year. Kids, on the other hand, experience 6-8 bouts of colds annually.
So, what are the preventive measures for cold and flu? Let us take a look at them.
Get Vaccinated
One of the most effective preventive measures for the cold and flu is getting yourself armed with a flu vaccine every fall. Every person who is more than six months old should get vaccinated. The flu shot will help you keep the flu at bay. However, if you still get the flu, your symptoms will only be milder.
Eat Green Vegetables
All the leafy green vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins and help you maintain a balanced diet. They support your immune system and keep it healthy. Regular consumption of cruciferous vegetables sends a chemical sign to your body, which triggers the cell-surface protein, helping maintain the immune system function.
Stay Away From Those Infected
Both cold and flu are infectious diseases. So, one of the best preventive measures for cold and flu is to keep away from people who are already sick. Moreover, when you are sick, you should stay away from other people. It will ensure that you do not make other people sick.
Wash Your Hands
It is always crucial to maintain good hand hygiene. Diseases can spread through aerosol droplets from sneezing and coughing. You may not know, but cold and flu can also spread by touching surfaces infected by individuals you have recently been in contact with.
The virus primarily enters the body via your nose, eyes, or mouth through your infected hands. Hence, the best preventive measure for cold and flu is to make it a habit of sanitizing or washing your hands for a minimum of 10 to 15 seconds in warm soapy water. This becomes even more important if you just sneezed or coughed. In any other way, it is a good practice to wash your hands before eating. You can also use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Don’t Cover Sneezes With Bare Hands
You must do your part and keep the germs away from your friends and family. Viruses usually cling on to the bare hands. So, do not use your hands to muffle the sneezes and coughs. Every time you sneeze, use a tissue. You must throw the tissue away after use. You can also sneeze on the inside of the elbow.