Foods That Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Foods That Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a serious and sometimes debilitating condition where bone is either lost, or the body does not make enough. It can also be a combination of the two. When this happens, the bones can become so weak that they easily break. This might happen as a result of a fall, a bump or possibly even after a hard sneeze. By the age of 50, the need for calcium goes to 1,200 milligrams per day. This amount is required in order to stop the progression of the bone loss.

Much calcium can be found naturally in the following foods, which help prevent osteoporosis:

1. Yogurt and milk

Dairy products contain a good amount of calcium. Calcium is one of the very important nutrients needed for bone health. One cup of yogurt can furnish the body with 300 milligrams of calcium. Dairy does supply calcium, however it also provides protein. This protein helps with bone health as well. Not only does milk contain calcium and protein, it has phosphorus and vitamin K2, which also aid in strengthening the bones.

2. Calcium-fortified cottage cheese

Many people would think that cottage cheese is a good source of calcium since it is a dairy product. Actually, regular cottage cheese would be considered a poor source, however the benefit to bones happens if the cottage cheese is fortified with calcium. When this is the case, half a cup actually has the same amount of calcium as a two-thirds cup of milk. Therefore, calcium-fortified cottage cheese would be a very beneficial source of calcium.

3. Broccoli and kale

When calcium is addressed, it is common to think primarily of dairy products. There are numerous vegetables that also provide calcium. Vegetables that are considered large leafy greens provide this important nutrient. This would include vegetables such as kale, bok choy, and greens like turnip or collard. Other green vegetables such as broccoli are also a great source of calcium. About 20 percent of the daily need for calcium can be found in one cup of greens. That would consist of 200 milligrams. The good thing about these green vegetables is that they also provide vitamin K, which is another important vitamin for the fight against osteoporosis.

4. Dried figs

Another interesting food that contains the calcium to help strengthen bones is figs. This would not be something most people would think of, but five medium sized figs contain about 90 milligrams of calcium. They can also boost magnesium and potassium which are considered to be bone-strengthening nutrients. Fresh figs are a good source, but those are not always available. The good thing is that dried figs offer the same benefit. There is 121 milligrams of calcium in just half a cup of this sweet fruit.

5. Canned salmon and sardines with bones

Canned fish such as salmon and sardines are fatty fish that provide a lot of benefit to bones. These fish contain vitamin D which is instrumental in helping the body use the calcium. These fish are also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which is also beneficial to the bones. The canned version of the fish is actually the best type of salmon to buy for bone health. There are 187 milligrams of calcium in 3 ounces of this fish due to the soft small bones of the fish contained in the canned version. These bones are extremely easy to eat, and very good for you.

Osteoporosis is a risk for everyone, especially as we get older. It is easy to incorporate foods into the diet that can help combat this serious condition. Bone-strengthening foods should be a diet staple so bones can stay strong for a lifetime.