Dietary Tips to Manage Gout

Dietary Tips to Manage Gout

Gout is an inflammatory condition that is caused by an excess amount of uric acid in the body. It is a severe form of arthritis that often turns joints into points of redness and swelling. Uric acid is naturally formed in our bodies. However, if the body fails to excrete it in the right amount, or produces it more than it can excrete, then it can lead to gout. There are medications and other forms of treatment for this condition, but a few remedies can be tried at home to ease the pain and discomfort that come with gout. Here are a few dietary tips to manage gout better:

  • Consume cherries
    Cherries have been proven to be helpful for reducing gout pain. It can be consumed in any form to soothe the pain. If you’re planning to consume it raw or juiced, then it should be taken at least thrice over a period of two days.
  • Eat magnesium-rich foods
    Magnesium is another important element to manage gout effectively. Foods that are high in magnesium can reduce inflammation. If there is enough magnesium in the body, then it doesn’t let uric acid clot in the joints. Hence, it is considered an effective remedy for gout.
  • Turn to ginger
    Ginger acts as a detoxifying agent and is easily available. It also contains anti-inflammatory agents that can help your body reduce excess uric acid. Ginger can be used externally too. Mixing ginger root with your tea or using ginger oil to massage the affected area can be quite helpful .
  • Mix water with apple cider vinegar, turmeric, and lemon
    Gout inflammation and redness can be reduced by drinking boiled water with a dash of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and a pinch of turmeric. All of these ingredients are common detoxifying agents for the body, and work well for gout as well. It is said to flush out excess uric acid produced in the body.
  • Consume celery
    Raw celery juice and seeds also helps to reduce the pain and stress in various parts of the body, caused by gout. Similarly, you can also have dandelion tea, hibiscus tea, milk thistle seeds, apples, and bananas to relive your body of gout pain.
  • Hydrate well
    Drinking an adequate amount of water is good for liver and kidney health, and washes out excess toxins and uric acid as well.
  • Analyze your diet
    Identify what kinds of foods trigger your gout pain and eliminate those from your daily diet. Certain types of foods can accelerate the production of uric acid and worsen the pain.

Because of its magnesium content, Epsom salt is said to be anti-inflammatory, and acts as a relaxant. Mix Epsom salt with warm water and soak the affected area in the solution.

Although these remedies are said to work, you should consult a doctor immediately if the pain is unbearable.