Colon Cancer – Foods to Avoid

Colon Cancer – Foods to Avoid

Colon Cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the inner wall of the large intestine or rectum. It is also the third leading cause of cancer in the country in both men and women. The risk factors of colon cancer can be increasing age, family history of colon cancer, or colon polyps. At the same time, one should keep an account of the diet and be aware of the foods to avoid while following a colon cancer diet.

Foods to avoid

  • Foods high in sugar
    Food with high sugar should be avoided as it contributes to obesity and is a significant risk factor for colon cancer. While food with simple sugar like fruits, vegetables, and lean meat provide nutrition, artificial sweeteners should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Foods high in saturated fat
    Food that is high in saturated fat, including pork, lamb, or high-fat dairy like butter, should be avoided. However, olive and canola oil, nuts, and seeds are mono-saturated sources that are good for health.
  • Fried foods
    Fried and greasy goods can easily aggravate symptoms of colon cancer; they worsen the side effects of colon cancer, which ultimately leads to nausea and diarrhea during chemotherapy.
  • Carbonated beverages
    Carbonated beverages and soft drinks can cause nausea and gas. It also leads to unwanted weight gain, which is a risk factor for colon cancer. Such carbonated drinks are difficult to digest. Carbohydrate-rich beverages have extra sugar and can lead to obesity. Also, it has no nutritional value.
  • Caffeine
    Caffeine increases the production of acid in the body. This turns into acid reflux and should be avoided. Beverages containing caffeine should not be consumed by a person suffering from colon cancer, which can negatively affect the body.
  • Processed meat
    WHO in 2015 said that processed meat has carcinogens, and people should avoid consuming them. These contain chemicals that are harmful to the lining of the colon. People suffering from colon cancer are highly sensitive to these meats, which can aggravate symptoms they are already experiencing.
  • Alcohol
    It is best to avoid drinking alcohol if you have colon cancer. The alcohol mixes with the medications you are on and can cause harmful side effects. Moreover, alcohol can cause excessive dry–mouth and lead to throat pain, making it difficult to swallow food. Drinking alcohol can also cause severe acid reflux and heartburn.
  • Red meat
    Red meat, such as pork, beef, and lamb, can be a major cause of colon cancer. It can also worsen the condition for a patient who already has colon cancer. It is best to stop or at least reduce the red meat consumption to less than 18 ounces a week. Red meat is believed to carry certain cancer-causing agents.

A good diet plan may improve your health, but a poor diet can be severely detrimental. These factors make it important to know about the foods to avoid in a colon cancer diet.