Tips to Clear Credit Card Debt
Rolling over high credit and not being able to clear monthly dues has become a common problem with cardholders. Most cardholders max out the credit limit and spend recklessly, because of which they find themselves deep in debt. A lot of the times, individuals don’t even realize what is happening since credit card companies offer an instant solution to the cardholders to manage their expenses and purchases. Though this facility offers financial help to the cardholders, it is also important for the cardholder to use the privilege smartly, or one can end up in a debt trap. Here are some tips to clear credit card debt: The balance transfer method It is one of the ways to clear off the credit card dues. The balance transfer method converts outstanding money into a low-cost EMI. You can shift multiple credit card dues on one card and freshen up a credit-free period of 90 days to repay the outstanding dues. Debt snowball Snowball is a way that helps you to pay off your credit card dues. The snowball debt helps the cardholder to clear-off outstanding debts and eases the load of repayment. You can clear smaller dues first before moving onto the higher ones.