Cancer Causing Foods to Avoid

Cancer Causing Foods to Avoid

Cancer has many causes steaming from genetics to family history of certain cancers to lifestyle habits like smoking. Yet some of these causes can be mitigated while others are out of our control. The foods we eat, for example, while they don’t cause cancer, may contribute to our overall risk of developing different forms of cancer (i.e., lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, etc.) over time.

The following foods are recommended in moderation to help decrease the overall chances of developing cancer:

1. Processed meat

Many of us choose to eat deli, smoked and processed meats because of convenience but lurking inside are cancer-causing substances known as Group 1 carcinogen, which has been linked to cancer development, according to the World Health Organization. In fact, WHO warns that specific processed meats such as ham, bacon, salami and frankfurts can increase the risk of bowel and stomach cancers. The American Institute of cancer research recommends eating as little of this type of meat as possible. The three types of cancer-causing agents in processed meats include myoglobin, which is a reddish pigment in meat; nitrates which help preserve meat, and a chemical formed while the meat is cooked called heterocyclic amines.

2. Red meat

Red meat is also associated with cancers such as colon and rectum cancer, prostate and pancreatic cancers. Studies show the way in which red meat is processed in addition to the high fat and iron contents that naturally occur in red meat raises cancer risk. Health care professionals recommended limiting the amount of red meat eaten daily. Studies show the average American adult consumes roughly 150 pounds of red meat per year.

3. Alcohol

Drinking alcohol has been shown to contribute to several types of cancer (i.e., liver cancer) especially in those who imbibe in excess for many years. Other cancers known to be linked to excessive alcohol consumption include esophageal cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. There is also increasing evidence that melanoma, prostate, and pancreatic cancers can be more severe in patients with heightened alcohol consumption over the long term.

4. Sugary drinks and non-diet sodas

Sugary drinks can also increase the risk of cancer. Medical research indicates that sugary drinks and sodas directly increase the incidence of obesity, which in turn is a strong contributing factor for developing several types of cancer, as well as metabolic diseases like diabetes. Sugary drinks can contribute to insulin resistance, which can be attributed to breast cancer development. One of the main chemicals in sugary drinks is caramel coloring, which can be considered carcinogenic.

5. Fast food or processed foods

Fast and processed foods can have a big impact on the development of cancer. Many fast foods contain a lot of trans fat and sugar, which can lead to weight gain and obesity. Studies show that obese indivdiauals increase the risk of cancer development in humans. Some examples of fast foods to eat only in moderation are pizza, potato chips, French fries, and baked goods made from white flour (i.e., donuts, cakes and pastries).