5 Pre-packaged Snacks for Diabetics

5 Pre-packaged Snacks for Diabetics

Diabetes is a metabolic condition of the body characterized by the spike in sugar levels in your blood, mostly as a result of improper functioning of the hormone insulin. Diabetic patients have a lot taken from them when they are told that they cannot eat delicious sugary foods or yummy snacks throughout the day. Fortunately, by measuring the right amounts of the right contents, there exist a few snacks that may not only treat your taste buds but may also prove beneficial to your condition.

Here are a few pre-packaged snacks for diabetic patients:


  • Yogurt can be an extremely healthy snack for people with diabetes, as it is packed with probiotics.
  • Probiotics can help lower blood sugar levels as they improve the body’s ability to metabolize food items containing sugar.
  • Yogurt is also rich in protein, which can help balance blood sugar levels.
  • You can add a few berries to yogurt to obtain additional nutrients and add sweetness to the yogurt’s tartness.

Whole-grain crackers with cheese

  • If you have diabetes, there is nothing better to snack on than a food product made of whole grains.
  • To add some flavor and taste to your snack, you can add some cheese to your crackers.
  • The fat in the cheese combined with the fiber in the whole grain crackers prevents the carbs in the crackers from spiking your blood sugar.
  • Cheese can also slow the digestion of carbs, promote the release of hormones that lower blood sugar and reduce high amounts of insulin in the blood.


  • Popcorn is an extremely popular snack that is, fortunately, still available in the diabetic snack radar.
  • Popcorn is a diabetic-friendly snack because it contains whole grains and low calories.
  • Snacking on popcorn can keep your weight in check, which can promote decreased levels of sugar in your blood.
  • Popcorn can be of great help to manage type 2 diabetes.
  • Another reason why popcorn can be great for diabetic patients is because of the high fiber content it possesses.
  • Check the ingredients list on the cover of the popcorn and go for a brand that adds the least amount of salt, trans fats, and other unhealthy ingredients.

Trail mix

  • Trail mix is a snack made by combining dried fruits, nuts, and seeds.
  • This healthy combination can leave patients with diabetes extremely satisfied with their snacking.
  • Trail mix contains a lot of protein, healthy fats, and fiber, which are all the right nutrients for diabetic patients.
  • However, it is quite high in calories, so avoid taking too much at a go and limit yourself to a handful of the mix per day.
  • The healthy fats and fiber from the nuts and seeds can regulate insulin levels and control blood sugar levels.

Organic beet chips

  • One of the things that most diabetic patients miss is chips.
  • Consider your worries conquered as organic beetroot chips can just as easily replace them.
  • Additionally, they provide more health benefits due to the nutritional content in beetroots.
  • Beet chips contain fiber and iron, which are essential for diabetic patients.
  • As a bonus, beet chips do not leave your hands all red and sticky as they are made dry.