5 Nutritional Tips for SMA

5 Nutritional Tips for SMA

SMA or spinal muscular atrophy is a neurological genetic disorder that is characterized by weakness and immobility of muscle. It occurs due to weaker motor neurons or nerve cells responsible for the control and movement of the muscles throughout the body.

Even though the dietary requirements are decided in consultation with the doctors, here are a few nutritional tips for SMA patients who can easily manage it at home:

  • Soft or liquid food
    The balanced diet for SMA patients is not the same as it is with people without this chronic disease. SMA weakens your digestive system and muscles, which makes digesting food far more difficult. They even have more fragile ingesting capabilities and choke on their food while swallowing. Hence, they need a softer and more liquid-based diet that gives them the right nutritional elements.
  • Calorie count
    The nutritional requirements of SMA patients are different from normal people. As all patients of SMA deal with difficulty walking, move, or even sit up by themselves. Their bodies do not require the same amount of energy as other people. Their calorie count should be set accordingly, as research has shown that they need 25-50% fewer calories in their food. If they are fed beyond their required calorie count, added with the factor of immobility, SMA patients develop obesity. This can cause more complications in the body, but their heart at risk, and may weaken the body’s capability to fight SMA.
  • Fat, protein, and carbohydrate
    One of the great nutritional tips for SMA is to assess the weight, growth, and mineral content in the patient’s body and then set a specific amount of fat, protein, and carbohydrate that they will consume. An SMA patient’s body might lack certain minerals more than the other, and it is essential to suffice that with the right amount of nutritional component.
  • Vitamin D
    The health of patients with SMA can deteriorate if they do not receive the right amount of nutrition as it can lead to further weakening of the muscles and lack of immunity to fight diseases. Due to the lack of mobility and movement, SMA patients do not get the required amount of vitamin D from soaking in the sun. 75% of individuals with SMA have been found to have a deficit of vitamin D and require a supplement for it. Vitamin D strengthens bones and muscles and thus are vital for SMA patients.
  • Calcium
    Calcium is also responsible for strength in bones and is derived from dairy products. SMA patients require a higher level of calcium in their body as their body tends to absorb calcium out of the bones to maintain a healthy balance of calcium levels, but that is not helpful for people with SMA and require a diet that includes components of calcium-rich foods.